Sunday, September 21, 2014

 We are off to a great start in second grade math! The children are excited and full of energy.  They are eager to learn and are active participants in and out of the classroom. It such a joy to see them in action!  We have begun the school year playing with math manipulatives, circulating through centers, and learning new games.  On several occasions, the students have explored and used connecting cubes in a number of different ways; counting, adding, subtracting, and creating "cube things."  We have discussed and shown the many different strategies we use to problem solve both in our math journals and cooperatively with partners. The second graders have quickly become members of a mathematical community and I look forward to what these bright and energetic children will bring to math everyday!

Sharing our work with the class!


Proud mathematicians!

Always up for a challenge!



Our "teachers" sharing different problem solving strategies.

             Focused and hard at work!

Working together!

                    All smiles for math! :)

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